McDermott Group


Sunil Rajput

Contact Information
CCIS 4-257
University of Alberta

Bioresource Technologies Business Unit
Alberta Innovates Technology Futures

Phone: 780-632-8228

Group Members

- Research Scientist II, Applied Microbiology/Bioanalytics, Bioresource Technologies Business Unit, Alberta Innovates Technology Futures, Vegreville, Canada, 2006 - Present.

-PhD student, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, Canada, 2013 - Present.
-MSc Specialization, Environmental Biology and Ecology (Insect Pathology), Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, Canada, 2007.
-BSc Specialization, Microbiology, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta, Canada, 2001.

Research Project:
This project aims to leverage bio-assembled nanostructures in a scalable, integrated platform to sense chemicals or biomolecules relevant to industry needs.

Project Description:
The focus of this project is to characterize the proteins associated with bio-assembled nanostructures, which will provide a basis for functionalization to target chemicals or biomolecules relevant to industrial needs. Subsequently, a suitable optical detection approach will be developed for rapid detection.
