McDermott Group

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Professor Mark McDermott's research group is focused on interfacial chemistry and nanoscience applied to analytical chemistry problems.

Our Labs are located at the CCIS and NINT buildings at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
Email Dr. McDermott

Major Research Equipment in the McDermott Group

Instruments Signup Sheets:

IRRAS, Raman, Evaporator, SPR, Furnace, UV-VIS.

BioScope Scanning Force Microsocpe with a NanoScope IV controller:


The Bruker (formerly Veeco and DI) BioScope combines the non-destructive, high resolution imaging of a scanning force microscope (SFM) with a high-powered inverted optical microscope, an IX-70 from Olympus. The optical microscope is capable of fluorescence imaging throughout the visible region as well as differential interference contrast (DIC). The coupled scanning force microscope provides sub-nanometer resolution in the vertical direction and nanometer resolution in the lateral direction. The attached NanoScope IV controller (the first in Canada) allows for improved phase related measurements, increased digital resolution, faster consistent scan rates and is completely modular. A custom built acoustic hood eliminates the majority of environmental acoustic noise, which greatly increases resolution and image quality.

MultiMode SPM with a NanoScope IIIa controller:


Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope:


Renishaw's inVia Raman microscopes are high-performance, fully upgradeable Raman instruments. They add simplicity of operation to the high performance and unparalleled flexibility for which Renishaw Raman systems are renowned. inVia Raman microscopes are high sensitivity systems with integrated research grade microscopes, enabling high resolution confocal measurements. inVia Raman microscopes support multiple lasers, with automatic software switching of excitation wavelength.

Thermo-Mattson Infinity Series FTIR with External Sample Module:


GWC Instruments Surface Plasmon Resonance Imager:


We have two GWC Instruments Surface Plasmon Resonance Imagers, one with standard optics and one with high magnification optics.

Olympus Confocal Microscope:


Pine Bipotentiostat Model AFCBP1:

Pine Potentiostat

EG and G Princeton Applied Research Potentiostat/Galvanostat Model 273:


Spreeta Surface Plasmon Resonance:

surface palsmon