Click the number of each article for a PDF.
For Richard McCreery's full CV, please click here.
278. Wang, H.; Sayed, S. Y.; Luber, E. J.; Olsen, B. C.; Shirurkar, S. M.; Venkatakrishnan, S.; Tefashe, U. M.; Farquhar, A. K.; Smotkin, E. S.; McCreery, R. L.; Buriak, J. M., “ Redox Flow Batteries: How to Determine Electrochemical Kinetic Parameters, ”, ACS Nano 2020, 14, 2575-2584
277. van Nguyen, Q.; Tefashe, U.; Martin, P.; Della Rocca, M. L.; Lafolet, F.; Lafarge, P.; McCreery, R. L.; Lacroix, J.-C., “ Molecular Signature and Activationless Transport in Cobalt-Terpyridine-Based Molecular Junctions, ”, Advanced Electronic Materials 2020, 06, 1901416
276. Supur, M.; Saxena, S. K.; McCreery, R. L.,, “ Ion-Assisted Resonant Injection and Charge Storage in Carbon-Based Molecular Junctions, ”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 11658-11662
275. Santos, A.; Tefashe, U. M.; McCreery, R. L.; Bueno, P. R., “ Introducing mesoscopic charge transfer rates into molecular electronics, ”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22, 10828-10832
274. Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Senthil Kumar Karuppannan, Cunlan Guo , Jerry A. Fereiro, Adam Bergren, Vineetha Mukundan, Xinkai Qiu, Olga E. Castaneda Ocampo, XiaopingChen, Ryan C.Chiechi, Richard McCreery, Israel Pecht, Mordechai Sheves, Rupali ReddyPasula, SierinLim, Christian A.Nijhuis, AyeletVilan and DavidCahen “ Solid-State Protein Junctions: Cross-Laboratory Study Shows Preservation of Mechanism at Varying Electronic Coupling, ”, iScience C 2020, 23, 101099
273. A.K. Farquhar, S. R. Smith, C. Van Dyck, R.L. McCreery, “Large Capacity Enhancement of Carbon Electrodes by Solution Processing for High Density Energy Storage, ”, ACS Applied Materials and. Interfaces 2020, 12, 10211
272. A. M. Najarian; M. Supur, M.; R. L. McCreery, “Electrostatic Redox Reactions and Charge Storage in Molecular Electronic Junctions”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 1739-1748.
271. U.M. Tefashe; C. Van Dyck; S. K. Saxena; J.-C. Lacroix; R.L. McCreery; “Unipolar Injection and Bipolar Transport in Electroluminescent Ru-Centered Molecular Electronic Junctions”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019 2019, 123, 29162-29172.
270. S. K. Saxena, S. R. Smith, M. Supur, R. L. McCreery; “Light-Stimulated Charge Transport in Bilayer Molecular Junctions for Photodetection,”, Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7, 1901093.
269. K. Miwa, A. Morteza Najarian, R. L. McCreery, and M. Galperin; “Hubbard Nonequilibrium Green's Function Analysis of Photocurrent in Nitroazobenzene Molecular Junction; ”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2019, 10, 1550-1557.
268. A Morteza-Najarian, R.L. McCreery. “Long-Range Activationless Photostimulated Charge Transport in Symmetric Molecular Junctions;”, ACS Nano 2019, 13, 867-877.
267. A. K. Farquhar, M. Supur, S.R. Smith, S. R. C. van Dyck, C.; McCreery, R. L. “Hybrid Graphene Ribbon/Carbon Electrodes for High-Performance Energy Storage;”, Advanced Energy Materials 2018, 8, 1802439.
266. U. M. Tefashe, Q. V Nguyen, A. Morteza Najarian, F. Lafolet, J-C. Lacroix, R.L. McCreery; “Orbital Control of Long-Range Transport in Conjugated and Metal-Centered Molecular Electronic Junctions,”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018, 122, 29028-29038.
265. A. J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery. “Clipped Amplifier”, US Patent December 25, 2018., 10,164,595.
264. R. Chen, A. Morteza-Najarian, N. Kurapati, R. J. Balla, A. Oleinick, I. Svir, C. Amatore, R. L. McCreery, S. Amemiya, “Self-Inhibitory Electron Transfer of the Co(Iii)/Co(Ii)-Complex Redox Couple at Pristine Carbon Electrode.”, Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90, 11115-11123.
263. M. Hayashida, K. Cui, A. Morteza Najarian, R. McCreery, N. Jehanathan, C. Pawlowicz, S. Motoki, M. Kawasaki, Y. Konyuba, M. Malac, Hole “Hole free phase plate tomography for materials sciences samples.”, Micron 2019, 116, 54-60.
262. S.R. Smith, R.L. McCreery,“Photocurrent, Photovoltage and Rectification in Large-Area Bilayer Molecular Electronic Junctions; ”, Advanced Electronic Materials 2018, 1800093.
261. P. Mondal, U. Tefashe, R.L. McCreery, “SInternal Electric Field Modulation in Molecular Electronic Devices by Atmosphere and Mobile Ions,”, American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 7239-7247.
260. M. Supur, C. van Dyck, A. J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery, “Bottom-up, Robust Graphene Ribbon Electronics in All-Carbon Molecular Junctions; ”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10, 6090-6095.
259. A. Morteza Najarian, A. Bayat, R. L. McCreery, “Orbital Control of Photocurrents in Large Area All-Carbon Molecular Junctions; s”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 1900-1909..
258. A. Morteza Najarian, R. Chen, R.J. Balla, S. Amemiya, “Ultraflat, Pristine, and Robust Carbon Electrode for Fast Electron-Transfer Kinetics,”, Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 13552-13540.
257. D. D. James, A Bayat, S. R. Smith, J-C Lacroix, R.L. McCreery, “Nanometric building blocks for robust multifunctional molecular junctions,”, Nanoscale Horizons 2018, 3, 45-52.
256. Q. V. Nguyen, P. Martin, D. Frath, M. L. Della Rocca, F. Lafolet, C. Barraud, P. Lafarge, V. Mukundan, D. James, R. L. McCreery, J-C. Lacroix, “Control of Rectification in Molecular Junctions: Contact Effects and Molecular Signature”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 11913-11922.
255. M. Supur, S. R. Smith, R. L. McCreer. “Characterization of Growth Patterns of Nanoscale Organic Films on Carbon Electrodes by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”, Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 6463-6471.
254. U. M. Tefashe, Q. V. Nguyen, F. Lafolet, J-C. Lacroix, R. L. McCreery. “Robust Bipolar Light Emission and Charge Transport in Symmetric Molecular Junctions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 7436-7439.
253. A Morteza-Najarian, R.L. McCreery. “Structure Controlled Long-Range Sequential Tunneling in Carbon-Based Molecular Junctions”, ACS Nano 2017, 11, 3542-3552.
252. S.R. Greig, A Morteza-Najarian, R.L. McCreery, A.Y. Elezzabi. “Surface plasmon driven lowering of the electron emission order in a carbon/gold bilayer film”, Applied Physics Letters 2016, 109, 221104.
251. O. Ivashenko, A.J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery. “Monitoring of Energy Conservation and Losses in Molecular Junctions through Characterization of Light Emission”, Advanced Electronic Materials 2016, 1600351.Supporting Information.
250. A. Morteza-Najarian, B. Szeto, U.M. Tefashe, R.L. McCreery. “Robust All-Carbon Molecular Junctions on Flexible or Semi-Transparent Substrates Using ‘Process-Friendly’ Fabrication”, ACS Nano 2016, 10(9), 8918-8928.Supporting Information.
249. A. Bayat, J-C. Lacroix, R.L. McCreery, “Control of Electronic Symmetry and Rectification through Energy Level Variations in Bilayer Molecular Junctions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138(37), 12287-12296. Supporting Information.
248. A. Bergren, L. Zeer-Wanklyn, M. Semple, N. Pekas, B. Szeto, R.L. McCreery, “Musical molecules: the molecular junction as an active component in audio distortion circuits”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2016, 28(9), 094011.
247. O. Ivashenko, A. Bergren, R.L. McCreery, “Light Emission as a Probe of Energy Losses in Molecular Junctions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138(3), 722-725. Supporting Information.
246. R.L. McCreery, “Effects of electronic coupling and electrostatic potential on charge transport in carbon-based molecular electronic junctions”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2016, 7, 32-46. Supporting Information.
245. M. Kondratenko, S.R. Stoyanov, A Kovalenko, R.L. McCreery, “Theoretical Modeling of Tunneling Barriers in Carbon-Based Molecular Electronic Junctions” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119 (21), 11286-11295. Supporting Information.
244. R. L. McCreery, A. Bergren, “Two- and Three-Terminal Molecular Electronic Devices with Ballistic Electron Transport”, U.S. Patent # 9,024,297; 2015
243. R. L. McCreery, A. Bonifas, V. Lui, “Metal Contacts for Molecular Device Junctions and Surface-Diffusion-Mediated Deposition”, U.S. Patent US # 8,697,562; 2014
242. R.L. McCreery, “Electron Transport and Redox Reactions in Solid-State Molecular Electronic Devices,” in Nanoelectrochemistry, M. V. Mirkin and S. Amemiya (Ed.), CRC Press, 2015, pp. 205-239.
241. J.A. Fereiro, M. Kondratenko, A. Bergren, R.L. McCreery; “Internal Photoemission in Molecular Junctions: Parameters for Interfacial Barrier Determinations” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 1296-1304. Supporting Information.
240. R.L. McCreery, A. Bergren, A. Morteza-Najarian, S.Y. Sayed, H. Yan; “Electron Transport in All-Carbon Molecular Electronic Devices” Faraday Discussions 2014, 172, 9-25.
239. D.K. Paul, R.L. McCreery, K. Karan; “Proton Transport Property in Supported Nafion Nanothin Films by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy” Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2014, 161, F1395-F1402.
238. B. Das, B. Szeto, D. James, Y. Wu, R.L. McCreery; “Ion Transport and Switching Speed in Redox-Gated 3-Terminal Organic Memory Devices” Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2014, 161, 12, H831-H838. Supporting Information.
237. R.L. McCreery, A.P. Bonifas, V. Wai-Sum Lui; “Metal Contacts for Molecular Device Junctions and Surface-Diffusion-Mediated Deposition” 2011 U.S. Patent #8,697,562 B2.
236. R.L. McCreery, A. Bergren, S. Nagy, H. Yan, A. Bayat, M. Kondratenko; “Molecules in Circuits: a New Type of Microelectronics?” ECS Transactions 2014, 61, 113-121.
235. B. Das, R.G. Pillai, Y. Wu, R.L. McCreery; “Redox-Gated Three-Terminal Organic Memory Devices: Effect of Composition and Environment on Performance” Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 11052-11058. Supporting material.
234. L.C.T. Shoute, Y. Wu, R.L. McCreery; “Direct Spectroscopic Monitoring of Conductance Switching in Polythiophene Memory Devices” Electrochimica Acta 2013, 110, 437-445.
233. S. Y. Sayed, A. Bayat, M. Kondratenko, Y. Leroux, P. Hapiot, and R. L. McCreery; “Bilayer Molecular Electronics: All-Carbon Electronic Junctions Containing Molecular Bilayers Made with “Click” Chemistry” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 12972-12975. Supporting material.
232. V. Rabache, J. Chaste, P. Petit, M.L. Della Rocca, P. Martin, J.C. Lacroix, R.L. McCreery, and P. Lafarge; “Direct Observation of Large Quantum Interference Effect in Anthraquinone Solid-State Junctions” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 10218-10221. Supporting material.
231. J.A. Fereiro, R.L. McCreery, and A.J. Bergren; “Direct Optical Determination of Interfacial Transport Barriers in Molecular Tunnel Junctions” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 9584-9587. Supporting material.
230. H. Yan, A.J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery, M.L. Della Rocca, P. Martin, P. Lafarge, and J.C. Lacroix; “Activationless Charge Transport Across 4.5 to 22 nm in Molecular Electronic Junctions” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences 2013, 110, 5326-5330. Supporting material.
229. R.L. McCreery, H. Yan and A.J. Bergren; “A Critical Perspective on Molecular Electronic Junctions: There is Plenty of Room in the Middle” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 1065-1081.
228. R. Kumar, R.G. Pillai, N. Pekas, Y. Wu and R.L. McCreery; “Spatially Resolved Raman Spectroelectrochemistry of Solid-State Polythiophene/Viologen Memory Devices” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 14869-14876.
227. S. Y. Sayed, J. A. Fereiro, H. Yan, R. L. McCreery and A.J. Bergren; “Charge transport in molecular electronic junctions: Compression of the molecular tunnel barrier in the strong coupling regime” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences 2012, 109, 11498 (invited). Supporting material.
226. R.L. McCreery and A.J. Bergren; Diazonium reagents in molecular electronics”, chapter in “Aryl Diazonium Salts”, ed. Mohamed Chehimi, Wiley-VCH, 2012, Chapter 10.
225. R.L. McCreery, K.J. Mobley and J. Wu; “Electronic Junction Devices Featuring Redox Electrodes,” 2010, U.S. Patent #7,737,433 B2.
224. A.P. Bonifas and R.L. McCreery; “Solid State Spectroelectrochemistry of Redox Reactions in Polypyrrole/Oxide Molecular Heterojunctions” Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84, 2459-2465.
223. R.L. McCreery and M.T. McDermott; “Comment on Electrochemical Kinetics at Ordered Graphite Electrodes” Analytical Chemistry 2012, 84, 2602-2605.
222. R.L. McCreery; “The merger of electrochemistry and molecular electronics” The Chemical Record 2012, 12(1), 149-163.
221. R.L. McCreery and A.J. Bergren; “Surface Functionalization in the Nanoscale Domain” in Nanofabrication: Techniques and Principles, Maria Stepanova and Steven Dew (Eds.), Springer, NY, 2012, 163-190.
220. Haijun Yan, A. J. Bergren and R.L. McCreery; “All-Carbon Molecular Tunnel Junctions” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133, 19168-19177.
219. A.P. Bonifas and R.L. McCreery; “Assembling Molecular Electronic Junctions One Molecule at a Time” Nano Letters 2011, 11(11), 4725-4729.
218. A.P. Bonifas, R. L. McCreery, Ken Harris; “Thermal oxidation as a simple method to increase resolution in nanoimprint lithography” Microelectronic Engineering 2011, 88 (11), 3256-3260.
217. R.H. Kumar, H. Yan, R.L. McCreery and A. J. Bergren; “Electron-beam evaporated silicon as a top contact for molecular electronic device fabrication” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011, 13 (32), 14318-14324. Supplemental information.
216. A.M. Mahmoud, A. J. Bergren, Nikola Pekas, R.L. McCreery; “Toward Integrated Molecular Electronic Devices: Characterization of Molecular Layer Integrity During Fabrication Processes” Adv. Functional Materials 2011, 21(12), 2273-2281. Supporting Information
215. A.J. Bergren and R. L. McCreery; “Analytical Chemistry in Molecular Electronics” Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2011, 4(1), 173-195. Book chapter.
214. Lian C.T. Shoute, Nikola Pekas, Yiliang Wu, R.L. McCreery; “Redox Driven Conductance Changes for Resistive Memory” Applied Physics A 2011, 102, 841-850.
213. Peng Li, J. Chen, M. Malac, H. Yan, A. Bonifas, R.L. McCreery; “HRTEM and Nano-Beam Diffraction Analysis of Metal-Molecule Interface” Microscopy and Microanalysis 2010, 16, 1896-1897.
212. Jie Ru, Bryan Szeto, Andrew Bonifas, R.L. McCreery, “Microfabrication and Integration of Diazonium-Based Aromatic Molecular Junctions” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2010, 2, 3693-3701 (highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News, April 4, 2011, 41-42). Supporting info.
211. A. J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery, S. R. Stoyanov, S. Gusarov, A. Kovalenko, “Electronic Characteristics and Charge Transport Mechanisms for Large Area Aromatic Molecular Junctions” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114 (37), 15806. Supporting info.
210. A.P. Bonifas, R.L. McCreery, “‘Soft’ Au, Pt and Cu Contacts for Molecular Junctions through Surface-Diffusion-Mediated Deposition” Nature Nanotechnology 2010, 5, 612-617. Supplemental info.
209. R.L. McCreery, “Electrochemical Concepts in Functional Materials” Electrochemistry - The Electrochemical Society of Japan 2010, 78 (2), 103 (invited introduction).
208. R.L. McCreery, “Electron Transport and Redox Reactions in Molecular Electronic Junctions” ChemPhysChem 2009, 10, 2387-2391.
207. A.M. Mahmoud, A.J. Bergren, R.L. McCreery, “Derivatization of Optically Transparent Materials with Diazonium Reagents for Spectroscopy of Buried Interfaces” Analytical Chemistry 2009, 81, 6972.
206. R.L. McCreery, A.J. Bergren, “Progress with Molecular Electronic Junctions: Meeting Experimental Challenges in Design and Fabrication” Advanced Materials 2009, 21, 4303-4322.
205. Haijun Yan, R.L. McCreery. “Anomalous Tunneling in Carbon/Alkane/TiO2/Gold Molecular Electronic Junctions: Energy Level Alignment at the Metal/Semiconductor Interface” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009, 1, 443.
204. Lian Shoute, Adam Bergren, Amr Mahmoud, Ken Harris, R.L. McCreery, “Optical Interference Effects in the Design of Substrates for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy” Applied Spectros. 2009, 63,133-140. (Cover article)
203. Jing Wu, R.L. McCreery, “Solid-State Electrochemistry in Molecule/TiO2 Molecular Heterojunctions as the Basis of the TiO2 ‘Memristor’”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2009, 156, 29-37.
202. Sudip Barman, Fengjun Deng, R.L. McCreery, “Conducting Polymer Memory Devices Based on Dynamic Doping”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 11073-11081.
201. Adam Bergren, Kenneth Harris, Fengjun Deng, and R. L. McCreery, “Molecular Electronics using Diazonium-Derived Adlayers on Carbon with Cu Top Contacts: Critical Analysis of Metal Oxides and Filaments”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2008, 20, 374117. (invited)
200. R.L. McCreery, “Advanced Carbon Electrode Materials for Molecular Electrochemistry” Chemical Reviews, 2008, 108, 2646-2687. (invited)
199. Andrew Bonifas, R.L. McCreery, “In-Situ Optical Absorbance Spectroscopy of Molecular Layers in Carbon Based Molecular Electronic Devices”, Chemistry of Materials, 2008, 20, 3849-3856.
198. Hong Tian, Adam Johan Bergren, R.L. McCreery, “Ultraviolet-visible spectroelectrochemistry of chemisorbed molecular layers on optically transparent carbon electrodes”; Applied Spectroscopy 2007, 61, 1246-1253.
197. Haihe Liang, Hong Tian, R.L. McCreery, “Normal and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Nitroazobenzene Submonolayers and Multilayers on Carbon and Silver Surfaces”; Applied Spectroscopy 2007, 61, 613.
196. Takashi Itoh, R. L. McCreery, “In situ Raman spectroelectrochemistry of azobenzene monolayers on glassy carbon”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, 388, 131-134.
195. Jing Wu, Ken Mobley, R.L. McCreery, “Electronic characteristics of fluorene/TiO2 molecular heterojunctions” Journal of Chemical Physics 2007, 126, 024704.
194. R.L. McCreery, “Analytical Challenges in Molecular Electronics”, Analytical Chemistry 2006, 78, 3490-3497. (Feature article)
193. Solomon Ssenyange, Haijun Yan, and R. L. McCreery, “Redox-Driven Conductance Switching via Filament Formation and Dissolution in Carbon/Molecule/TiO2/Ag Molecular Electronic Junctions”, Langmuir, 2006, 22, 10689-10696.
192. R.L. McCreery, “Electronic Junction Devices Featuring Redox Electrodes”, U.S. Patent No. 7,141,299, 2006.
191. R. L. McCreery, J. Wu and R. P. Kalakodimi, “Electron Transport and Redox Reactions in Carbon Based Molecular Electronic Junctions” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2006, 8, 2572-2590.
190. F. Anariba, U. Viswanathan, D. Bocian, and R.L. McCreery, “Determination of the Structure and Orientation of Organic Molecules Tethered to Flat Graphitic Carbon by ATR-FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopy” Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78, 3104-3112.
189. R.L. McCreery, “Micro-electronic junctions and devices containing same”, U.S. Patent # 7,042,006 B2, 2006.
188. R L. McCreery, “Chemical Monolayer Field Emitter Device,” U.S. Patent #7,019,449 B2, 2006.
187. R L. McCreery, U. Viswanathan, R. P. Kalakodimi, A. M. Nowak, Carbon/molecule/metal molecular electronic junctions: the importance of ‘‘contacts’’ Faraday Discussions, 2006, 131, 33-43.
186. S. Ssenyange, F. Anariba, D. F. Bocian, R. L. McCreery, “Covalent Bonding of Alkene and Alkyne Reagents to Graphitic Carbon Surfaces” Langmuir, 2005, 21, 11105-11112.
185. R. P. Kalakodimi, Aletha Nowak, R. L. McCreery, Carbon/Molecule/Metal and Carbon/Molecule/Metal Oxide Molecular Electronic Junctions, Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17, 4939-4948.
184. R.L. McCreery, “Pixel Array,” 2005, U.S. Patent #6,919,128 B2.
183. F. Anariba, J. Steach, R.L. McCreery, “Strong effects of Molecular Structure on Electron Transport in Carbon/Molecule/Copper Electronic Junctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 11163-11172.
182. W.R. McGovern, F. Anariba, R.L. McCreery, “Importance of oxides in carbon/molecule/metal molecular junctions with titanium and copper top contacts”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2005, 152, E176-E183.
181. R.L. McCreery, “Method for Conductance Switching in Molecular Electronic Junctions,” 2005, U.S. Patent #6,855,950.
180. R.L. McCreery, “Chemical Monolayer Memory Device,” 2005, U.S. Patent #6,855,417.