Rotational Spectroscopic Study of Hen–OCS Clusters.

Yunjie Xu and Wolfgang Jäger
Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB  T6G 2G2, Canada

The rotational spectrum of the He2–OCS complex1 was reported by us two years ago at this meeting. More recently, Tang and McKellar investigated the infrared spectra of the Hen–OCS with n = 1 to 8. In this talk, we present detailed isotopic studies of the series of Hen–OCS (n = 2–8) clusters that were done using a cavity Fourier transform microwave spectrometer. Nuclear hyperfine structures due to the quadrupolar 33S and 17O nuclei were observed and analyzed. The resulting isotopic rotational, distortion, and hyperfine constants were used to derive information about the structures and dynamics of these clusters. Investigations of microwave spectra of higher Hen–OCS clusters are currently underway.

1 Y. Xu and W. Jäger, Chem. Phys. Lett. 350, 417 (2001).

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