Theoretical study of the collision-induced double transition CO2(v3=1) + N2(v1=1) <-- CO2(v3=0) + N2(v1=0) at 296K

A. Brown and R.H. Tipping

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 35487

B. Mate

Optical Technology Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, 20899


A procedure is presented for the calculation of the double vibrational collision -induced absorption CO2(v3=1) + N2(v1=1) <-- CO2(v3=0) + N2(v1=0) on the basis of quantum lineshapes computed using an isotropic potential and dipole-induced dipole functions. The line strengths and energies of the vibration- rotation transitions are treated explictly for N2, utilizing the HITRAN database for CO2. The theoretical absorption profile is compared to recent experimental results. By narrowing the width of the individual lines contributing to the overall absorption profile relative to their values determined for N2-N2 collison-induced absorption, excellent agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.

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