Ultraviolet photodissociation of HCl in selected rovibrational states: experiment and theory

P.M.Regan, D. Ascenzi, A. Brown, G.G. Balint-Kurti, and A.J. Orr-Ewing

School of Chemistry, The University of Bristol, Bristol, England, BS8 1TS


Experimental and theoretical methods have been applied to investigate the effect of internal parent excitation on the iltraviolet photodissociation dynamics of HCl(X1S +) molecules. Jet-cooled H35Cl molecules within a time-of-flight mass spectrometer were prepared by infra-red absorption in the following quanum states: v = 1, J = 0 and J = 5; v = 2, J = 0 and J = 11; v = 3, J = 0 and J = 7. The excited molecules were then photodissociated at l ~ 235nm and the Cl(2PJ) photofragments detected using (2+1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization. The results are presented as the fraction of total chlorine yield formed in the spin-orbit excited state, Cl(2P1/2). The experimental measurements are compared with the theoretical predictions from a time-dependent, quantum dynamical treatment of the photodissociation dynamics of HCl(v=1-3,J=0). These calculations involved wavepacket propagation using the ab initio potential energy curves and coupling elements previously reported by M.H. Alexander, B. Pouilly, and T.Duhoo [J. Chem. Phys. 99 1752 (1993)]. The experimental results and theoretical predictions share a common qualitative trend, although quantitative agreement occurs only for HCl(v = 2).

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