Photodissociation of HI and DI: Testing models for electronic structure via polarization of Atomic Photofragments

D.N. Jodoin and Alex Brown

Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2G2, Canada


The photodissociation dynamics of HI and DI are examined using time-dependent wavepacket techniques. The orientation and alignment parameters, aQ(K)(p), are determined as a function of photolysis energy, for the resulting ground state I(2P3/2) and excited state I(2P1/2) atoms. The aQ(K)(p) parameters describe the coherent and incoherent contributions to the angular momentum distributions from the i A1Pi1, a3Pi1, and t3Sigma1 electronic states accessed by perpendicular excitation and the a3Pi0+ state accessed by a parallel transition. The outcomes of the dynamics based on both shifted ab initio results and three empirical models for the potential energy curves and transition dipole moments are compared and contrasted. It is demonstrated that experimental measurement of the aQ(K)(p) parameters for excitation from the vibrational ground state, v=0, would be able to distinguish between the available models for the HI potential energy curves and transition dipole moments. The differences between the aQ(K)(p) parameters for excitation from v=0 stands in sharp contrast to the scalar properties, i.e., total cross section and I* branching fraction, which require experimental measurement of photodissociation from excited vibrational states, v>0, to distinguish between models.

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